🤝 The Partnership Oath


At PitchGround, we value our partners and customers equally.

We understand that it is our job to facilitate the discovery, purchase, and support stages of the buyer's journey in relation to your business.

This is why we've come up with The Partnership Oath. This is a set of principles we will follow and ask you to follow in order to maximize the ROI of your campaign.

Our Promise To You

  • We will always be professional in our communication.
  • We will answer your queries in a timely manner (within 24-48 business hours max).
  • We will advise you based on the lessons we've learned after launching hundreds of products generating millions of dollars in revenue.
  • We will gather your feedback and act on it asap to improve our platform.
  • We will always try to innovate on our own to bring fresh buyers into our community.
  • We will give you the benefit of the doubt when a problem arises until you prove that we can't.
  • We will try our best to represent your business and your brand in a professional and friendly tone.

Our Expectations of You

  • Always be professional in our communication.
  • Answer our queries within 24-48 business hours.
  • Answer customer queries within 24-48 business hours.
  • Test your product and processes to ensure everything works as intended.
  • Educate yourself on how to run a successful campaign with the help of our team.
  • Participate in partner activities with an open mind.
  • Share feedback with us, no matter how small it may seem. We want to hear from you.
  • Ask for help when you are unsure of anything.

What are some of the biggest challenges to our Partnership Oath, and what can we do to prevent issues?

  • Lack of proper communication: -Make sure you have a proper support platform for our customers, and you have a team member dedicated to working out customer service related issues with our team. -Make sure you have a way to gather feedback from users, and act on that feedback to the best of your ability. -If you go on break or have planned a vacation, make sure someone from your team is available to handle any queries. If for whatever reason there is going to be no one available, pause your campaign at least 2 weeks before you become unavailable. -Be transparent about your mission and vision with your product. If you're moving slow and that's your style, be upfront about it and vice-versa.
  • Lack of Features or missing Technology: -There are times we need to get something done and our platform is not yet set up to do that. We have a full-time software development team in-house to tackle this problem. If you are trying to do something and it doesn't work, or if you've got an idea on how to better handle certain things, that's feedback. Send us your feedback to [email protected] we would love to hear from you.
  • Community raging about your product or support: -Figure out why this is happening and take action immediately. Have a team member monitoring our social channels (especially our Facebook Group) and answering questions/comments/concerns in a timely manner (24-48 business hours max). -Learn how to handle conflict with grace and empathy, it goes a long way. We will be providing training for this soon to all of our partners free of charge.
  • Lack of help along the way: -Sometimes things can get a little overwhelming, which is why it's important to launch a Featured Deal whenever possible. However, even with Marketplace Deals, we want to offer you help. As mentioned in our part of The Partnership Oath, we will be putting out content and training to help you maximize the ROI of your campaign and run a successful business. These resources will be made available to you within our onboarding process. -On your end, make sure you have the time needed to answer queries, handle bugs, and overall run your business before you actually take on a marketing campaign. Remember that you never get a second chance to make a good first impression, so make it count!

Thank you so much for reading our Ultimate Guide to Launching on PitchGround! If we missed anything or you have any other feedback on this page, feel free to let us know. With 💗

-The PitchGround SaaS Team

Updated 25 Mar 2024
Doc contributor
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